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DIY Lace lighting

So awhile back I decided I was bored with my room. Being a fairly creative person, this happened pretty frequently, so I rarely wanted to spent oogles of money on something I was probably going to change in a month anyway. A look I've always been obsessed with is stares or honestly, anything that glows. I've always wanted a space and stars esq look somewhere in my room but that no clue how to achieve it.

After looking around my room I realised I had a pile of just unused black lace in one corner and a string of copper lights in another. I started to wonder, what if I could somehow combine the two of them into space looking, glowing thing. In one corner of my room I had a been bag that I loved to read on, so I begin to think. What if I hung the black lace from the ceiling and put the lights in it, almost like one of those decorative mosquito nets or a canopy bed, but had it around my bean bag to create a little reading nook.

So thats exactly what I did.


First I laid out my fabric to see how much I had. I had 2 pieces both different sizes, one piece was approx, 10ft by 10ft and the other 5ft by 5ft. Then I detangled my copper wire lights that were remote controlled, it was a 35ft long strand of lights.


This is the first piece of fabric, as you can see its stretched across horizontally and then pulled up vertically to create a triangle effect, and left the edges slightly jagged and unsymmetrical. Then on the shorter side i attached my second piece of fabric to give it a slightly longer and more enclosed effect.


Next I had to figure out how to incorporate the lights. Since the copper wire is so thin I thought maybe I could weave it into the fabric. After attempting to do that for far longer then I would care to admit, I realised since the wire is malleable, i could bend it in an almost pinching motion, and push that through the holes and then bend it to the side in order to secure it. I began to do that at random points throughout the fabric, allowing the wire to curl and fall as it wanted, creating a natural and stary effect. Then I was left with the problem of the power box and remote control censer. I decided I would bring the connecting wire to the side corner near the black bookcase and thread it down the wall, hidden behind the bookcase to the outlet at the bottom of it.


At the end of the day, I loved this creation. It took me around 3 hours to create from hanging the material to threading the lights. However this was probably my most used spot in my room for around 4 years until we moved houses. This creation also was very very inexpensive, the fabric was on sale and cost me around $10 and the lights were $20 off of amazon. The relative ease and inexpensive nature of the creation makes it an awesome lighting fixture and statement piece for any room.


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